Christine Frances attends Grandparents Appreciation Day.

Many people ask what my books are about. The most precious query I have ever received was from my granddaughter. Her school was hosting Grandparents Appreciation Day and she asked if I would attend. Of course I said yes. Then she told me that the grandparents were being asked to speak to the children. She asked if I would speak, and again, I said yes. I asked her what she wanted me to speak about and she responded ‘My Book’.

I have read Taming of the Beast to her, editing sections that were not appropriate for a 7 year old, and she loved it. She had a connection to my characters and she wanted to share that connection with her classmates. So I stood in front of her class and explained to them what my book was about. I explained what it was like to be different from other children. I pointed out to them how easy it is to judge a person by their appearance rather than who they are as a person.  My speech had every child captivate, and when the speech was over, I scanned the audience to see many of the grandparents  wiping the tears from their eyes.

I connected with the children that day as well as the adults. My book is about being different, accepting that difference, and loving someone for who they are on the inside and not what you see.  

Christine Frances

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