September long weekend was amazing!

This year I spent my Canadian September long weekend with my family at my youngest son’s cabin. It was just me, my two sons and their families. I have mentioned before that family is everything to me and getting to spend an entire weekend with them is my idea of a great weekend. On one of the days the kids were playing outside, my sons were doing their thing and my daughter-in-law, Kristin, and I just hung out. I worked on my book, she surfed the web, and we talked and bonded and got to know each other just a little bit better. It doesn’t get any better than that.
If you ever have an opportunity to spend time with family, grab it and run. Family is precious and even though you may not always agree, try to make time for them. Try to make memories with them. There is no guarantee on how long we will be on God’s green earth so don’t waste it. My boy’s father died at 52…way too young. My youngest son’s fist wife died at 26. Again, WAY TOO YOUNG. I have learned the hard way to make the best of the time you have. Because once they are gone there are no take backs.
On a less serious note…making progress with the third book. Still don’t have a title for it…but it will come. I’m hoping to have it ready for the end of the month…may be wishful thinking. lol
My second book will be released Nov 3rd or 5th. Looking forward to it. I have so many readers that are waiting for the second book with great anticipation. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to support me and also to those who have taken the time to give my input on how you liked my book. I always look forward to my reader’s comments. Good or bad. Thankfully, so far, they have all been good.
Time to go…enjoy your evening and Happy reading!

Christine Frances

Journey to the Unknown, book two of Lord of His People

My second book in the series, Lord of His People, is back from my editor, Laura. She is an amazing person as well as an amazing editor. I asked her to honestly tell me what you thought of Journey to the Unknown. Here is her response:

Honestly, I loved it. I haven’t read any F/M books for fun in a long time now, but I really got in to it lol. It pulls the reader right in and keeps them there. That can be hard to do, especially for people like me who either work or read at least 15 books a week! So you did great 🙂

For me, as a new writer, her opinion means everything to me. It is good to know that I am on track and that my story draws the reader in and captivates them. Now that I have the book back I can review her edits. Then once we both agree to the edits it goes back to the publisher, Devine Destinies, for its artwork and release date.

It’s very exciting and a lot of hard work, on everyone’s part. Take care and be sure to watch for the release date of Journey to the Unknown.

Naming the Third Book

I’m halfway through my third book and I am having so much fun with it. Developing new characters, breathing life into olds one and introducing a plot twist that will have you full of anticipation for the next chapter. I have yet to name this book. Normally, as I write, the name will come to me. But nothing yet. I still have about another fifteen chapters to go so I’m sure something will jump out at me. I’ll keep you updated. Have a great rest of your day!

Journey to the Unkown

Journey to the Unknown is the second book in my series. Right now it is with the most amazing editor, Laura McNellis. She has taught me so much. One just doesn’t write a book. There are rules to follow that help make your book a more interesting book to read. It’s not about changing the content of you book, it’s about the little things. And I am so grateful that Laura has been so supportive and patient with me. I believe that no matter what your age, you never stop learning. And if someone is kind enough to want to teach you something, you should grab the opportunity and run with it. I hope Journey to the Unknown will be ready for release soon. I’ll keep all my readers updated. Take care and enjoy your evening.

Why I became an Author

I wasn’t looking to become an Author. I was wanting to fulfill a dream. And the dream was to complete a book. I put it on my bucket list and, with the support of my sister Pat, I accomplished what I set out to do. Becoming an Author actually took me by surprise. Never, in my wildest dreams, did I imagine my book would do so well. But here I am with one book published, a second with my editor and the third half way finished. My success is proof that if you want something bad enough, and you’re willing to work for it, you can accomplish anything. My daughter-in-law, Kaleena Hudon, who sadly has passed away from cancer, her motto was ‘dreaming’s not enough’. No truer words have ever been spoken. It’s one thing to have a dream, it is something totally different to see it become a reality. If you have a dream do everything in your power to see it come true. All your hard work, your sacrifice, will be worth every moment. The reward is priceless!

Moxie’s St. Vital Center

I’m meeting a friend at Moxie’s for dinner. Moxie’s is amazing. I always go two or three hours early and they give me a booth with an electrical plug. I plug-in my laptop and lose myself in my writing while I am waiting for my friend. The waitress never bothers me. She just stops by to refill my diet pop. And at 3 in the afternoon Moxie’s isn’t that busy so its pretty quiet. Looking forward to completing a couple of chapters on my third book this afternoon. Not to mention a great evening with a special friend. 🙂