Journey to the Unknown, book two of Lord of His People

My second book in the series, Lord of His People, is back from my editor, Laura. She is an amazing person as well as an amazing editor. I asked her to honestly tell me what you thought of Journey to the Unknown. Here is her response:

Honestly, I loved it. I haven’t read any F/M books for fun in a long time now, but I really got in to it lol. It pulls the reader right in and keeps them there. That can be hard to do, especially for people like me who either work or read at least 15 books a week! So you did great 🙂

For me, as a new writer, her opinion means everything to me. It is good to know that I am on track and that my story draws the reader in and captivates them. Now that I have the book back I can review her edits. Then once we both agree to the edits it goes back to the publisher, Devine Destinies, for its artwork and release date.

It’s very exciting and a lot of hard work, on everyone’s part. Take care and be sure to watch for the release date of Journey to the Unknown.

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