Spending time at Lake of the Woods with Grandchildren!

If I haven’t mentioned it already, my family is very important to me. They are my everything. This especially applies to my Grandchildren, Hailey, Paige and Chase. Right now Hailey, Paige and I are spending some quality time (girls week) at my son’s cabin on Lake of the Woods. The weather is incredibly hot and we are taking full advantage of the cool waters of the lake. The serenity of the cabin is so inviting. After the girls go to bed ( they are both eight years old ) I curl up in a deck chair and continue to work on my book. It is so easy to lose yourself in your writing when you are surrounded by peacefulness and tranquility. Speaking of which, I am going to take my leave and return to the world of Nathen and Authia. I hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead.

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