Crazy New Year

Hello everyone, well it’s been one heck of a ride! So far this year I have moved twice, finished my third book, Discovery of the Lion People, went on an incredible 3 week cruise, had to replace my vehicle and just two days ago held my newborn grandson, Jagger, in my arms. To say my head is spinning would be an understatement.
First things first, Jagger Boss Hudon was born April 26 weighing in at 7 lbs 1 oz. He is absolutely perfect! Mom an baby are doing great and I am one very proud grandma!
Next, When I sold my home I had to move in with my son and his family while my new home was being built. Well, its finished, I’ve moved in, and with all the little homey touches it beginning to feel like home.
Where do I begin with my cruise. My dad was in the navy and told me many stories of the Panama Canal. The stories captured my imagination and since I was 19 I dreamed of traveling the canal. Well, 40 years later my dream became a reality. At times, when you dream of what a place or experience would be like, you tend to create a vision that is bigger than the reality itself. Unfortunately, that leads to disappointment. That was not the case with my dream. I dreamed big and the Canal did not disappoint. It was an experience of a lifetime, one that I will never forget.
On to my third book, Discovery of the Lion People. This book was an experience in itself. I put Nathen and Authia to the test, especially Nathen. I wrote about redemption, about sacrifice, about accepting a group of people that are outside the norm. My characters learned who they really were and how important it was to protect those that cannot protect themselves. Its an incredible journey that will have you angry at the bad guys, gasping when something terrible happens and crying when life as the characters knows it is no more.
Discovery of the Lion People is with the editor and will hopefully be released in the next couple of months.

Now on to the forth and final book of the series. As you read my books I would love to hear your comments. Happy reading!

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