Hello everyone, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was quiet, spent with family and was totally amazing!
My second book, Journey to the Unknown, has been downloaded onto my website. Take a peek. It’s available through my publisher, Devine Destinies or on Amazon. I’m working hard on the third book, Discovery of the Lion People. It’s almost finished and I am so pumped on how the book is coming together to its climatic end!

I look back on 2017 and it’s been one hell of a year. I started the year with the acceptance letter from my publisher. Since then I’ve had two books released, I’m well into my third book, sadly I separated from my husband, sold my home and now I’m living with my eldest son and his family while my 55+ bungalow rental is being built. Life is all about ups and downs. It tests your resolve, your strength, your weaknesses. I truly believe that no matter what life throws at you, if you look for that silver lining, you will win, you will survive. Sometimes that lining is pretty hard to find, but it’s there, just waiting for you. This year alone has been trying for me. And its been really hard at times. But, when I start thinking how bad my life is, I look around me, take stock in what I have. My health, my family, a roof over my head, food in my belly and all of a sudden, life is not so bad. If you are ever down and believe that life sucks, comment me, and I will tell you a true story of pain, suffering, life and death. The story of a young women who didn’t give up. When life was at it darkest, she did not falter. For she had her silver lining and she held onto it to the very end.

I welcome 2018 and all it has to bring me. I will take life and live it to the fullest. I hope you do too. Enjoy the New Year parties. Be safe, don’t drink and drive (that’s another story) and above all, have fun. As always, Happy Reading!!

Christine Frances

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