Discovery of the Lion People

I have been wracking my brain trying to come up with a title for my third book in the Lord of His People series. I have been brainstorming with my best friend Shirley. Told her what the book was about and we came up with a few names but none that really jumped out at me. Then last weekend I was at my oldest son’s cabin, curled up in a chair with my eight year old granddaughter, Paige. She asked what I was doing and I told her I was working on my third book. She asked why it had no name. I told her that I couldn’t think of one that I liked. She read the intro to the book, turned to me and without missing a beat says to me, “How about ‘Discovery of the Lion People’?”

You could have knocked me over with a feather. It was perfect! So thank you Paige Hudon for such a clever, wonderful title.

As I continue to work on ‘Discovery of the Lion People’ , my second book of the series, Journey to the Unknown, is scheduled to be released November third. I am very excited to see what my publisher, Devine Destinies, comes up with for the art work.

Time to get back to work, as always, Happy Reading!

Christine Frances

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