Chapters Book Signing coming soon!

I’m excited to introduce the first three books of my series, Lord of His People, on February 8th at Chapters St Vital Mall! It’s a story of mystery, intrigue and unconditional love. The story starts high in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbian and continues in the mysterious Congo region of Africa. Once you start reading, you won’t be able to stop, as you keep wanting to read ‘one more chapter’.

Book One of the Series

Book Two of the Series
Discovery of the Lion People Book cover Christine Frances
Book Three of the Series

Meet me at Chapters St. Vital for my debut Book Signing

I’ll be at Chapters St. Vital on February 8th from Noon to 4 pm for my debut book signing. I’ll be featureing my first three books of the series: Taming of the Beast, Journey to the Unknown and Discovery of the Lion People.

I’m so very excited for this event. My books have intrigue, mystery and a healthy dose of romance which makes them the perfect Valentine’s day gift for the romantic reader in your life.

I look forward to meeting each and every one of you.

Christine Frances

Christine Frances attends Grandparents Appreciation Day.

Many people ask what my books are about. The most precious query I have ever received was from my granddaughter. Her school was hosting Grandparents Appreciation Day and she asked if I would attend. Of course I said yes. Then she told me that the grandparents were being asked to speak to the children. She asked if I would speak, and again, I said yes. I asked her what she wanted me to speak about and she responded ‘My Book’.

I have read Taming of the Beast to her, editing sections that were not appropriate for a 7 year old, and she loved it. She had a connection to my characters and she wanted to share that connection with her classmates. So I stood in front of her class and explained to them what my book was about. I explained what it was like to be different from other children. I pointed out to them how easy it is to judge a person by their appearance rather than who they are as a person.  My speech had every child captivate, and when the speech was over, I scanned the audience to see many of the grandparents  wiping the tears from their eyes.

I connected with the children that day as well as the adults. My book is about being different, accepting that difference, and loving someone for who they are on the inside and not what you see.  

Christine Frances


Hello everyone, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was quiet, spent with family and was totally amazing!
My second book, Journey to the Unknown, has been downloaded onto my website. Take a peek. It’s available through my publisher, Devine Destinies or on Amazon. I’m working hard on the third book, Discovery of the Lion People. It’s almost finished and I am so pumped on how the book is coming together to its climatic end!

I look back on 2017 and it’s been one hell of a year. I started the year with the acceptance letter from my publisher. Since then I’ve had two books released, I’m well into my third book, sadly I separated from my husband, sold my home and now I’m living with my eldest son and his family while my 55+ bungalow rental is being built. Life is all about ups and downs. It tests your resolve, your strength, your weaknesses. I truly believe that no matter what life throws at you, if you look for that silver lining, you will win, you will survive. Sometimes that lining is pretty hard to find, but it’s there, just waiting for you. This year alone has been trying for me. And its been really hard at times. But, when I start thinking how bad my life is, I look around me, take stock in what I have. My health, my family, a roof over my head, food in my belly and all of a sudden, life is not so bad. If you are ever down and believe that life sucks, comment me, and I will tell you a true story of pain, suffering, life and death. The story of a young women who didn’t give up. When life was at it darkest, she did not falter. For she had her silver lining and she held onto it to the very end.

I welcome 2018 and all it has to bring me. I will take life and live it to the fullest. I hope you do too. Enjoy the New Year parties. Be safe, don’t drink and drive (that’s another story) and above all, have fun. As always, Happy Reading!!

Christine Frances

Discovery of the Lion People

Hello everyone! Well the last few weeks have been crazy busy. My second book in the series, Journey to the Unknown, has been released. I sold my home, packed and put everything into storage until my new place is ready. Which hopefully will be February. I have been amiss in my attention to my third book, Discovery of the Lion People. I was well into it before the house sold and, with the first move over, I can now relax and rejoin Nathen and Authia in their continuing saga. Meanwhile the fourth, and final book of the series, has given root in the back of mind…just waiting for me to give it life. With my new place I will have a lot more freedom to write. I feel very privileged. Not many people can turn their passion into a career. In this past year I’ve done just that. So, what is on the horizon? In 2018 you will see the conclusion to my series Lord of His People and the birth to an exciting new Novel which will pull on your heart-strings, have you rooting for the good guy and keeps you on the edge of your seat as each chapter leaves you hungry for the next. I want to wish all my readers Happy Holidays and the best in the New Year! As always, Happy reading.

The Unveiling of Journey to the Unknown !

I’m so excited! The art work is done and the cover for Journey to the Unknown has been unveiled. In book one, Taming of the Beast, Nathen spends his life hiding his face from the world. He looks different, and is afraid he will not be accepted. Well, he’s not only accepted but he finds the love of his life. In book two, Journey to the Unknown, Nathen discovers why he looks the way he does. And you, my readers, get to see him without the hood.

Taming of the Beast is not only a story of romance, mystery and the paranormal. It is also a story that, hopefully, has the reader thinking about people who are different in some way shape or form. And that these people, even though they look different, can be amazing people. That you shouldn’t judge a person by what you see but rather by who they are, on the inside.

Journey to the Unknown will have you wanting to read just one more chapter as Nathen and Authia struggle to find Nathen’s heritage. You will want to cheer for the good guys and despise the bad guys.

Journey to the Unknown is scheduled to be released around November the 11th. I will keep you updated when I get the exact date.

As always, Happy Reading!

Discovery of the Lion People

I’ve been having fun developing the story line in my third book, Discovery of the Lion People. Introducing new characters and bringing back some old ones. I’ve had many of my readers ask how I develop my story line.
I guess every writer has his or her own way of keeping track of the characters and time lines. For me I keep a few notes to keep track of the time of day and which characters are in which chapters. But mostly, I just tell the story. I loose myself in my characters and the plot. I become my characters, feeling what they feel, seeing what they see. And before you know it the chapter is finished and I’m halfway into the next.

I love to write and hope that one day I can make writing my full time career. Until then, my writing will always be my passion and take up every spare minute I have.

I should mention that my second book, Journey to the Unknown, will be released November 11, 2017. It will be on my Publisher’s website for a week. After that you will see it on Amazon. As soon as the art work is finished I will display it on my website so you know what to look for on Amazon.

Back to writing….as always…Happy Reading!!!

Journey to the Unknown

There is so much more to writing a book than just writing a book. First, you must have an amazing story line that you are able to put down into words. Then, after all your hard work, your masterpiece is finished! But now you have to make sure it complies with your publisher’s house rules. After re-reading your novel several times (I find it helps if you activate Microsoft word read aloud) and making numerous corrections, its off to the editor. Now, I happen to have the best editor ever! So it makes this step a little easier. But still, the novel comes back with corrections that need to be made. So once again you read the entire novel, make the corrections, then return it back to the editor. If you’re lucky, you’ll get away with one edit. However, it is not unusual to have two, three perhaps five edits.

Edits are finished and now its off to the publisher. They format the novel adding the dedication, the intro and all the legal wordings then its back to you again. Your job now is to make sure there are no mistakes with formatting. Yes, you read the book again. Then it is back to the publisher and onto the proofer.

Don’t get comfy yet…the proofer is going to send it back to you with more corrections and recommendations. As in editing, your novel can bounce back between the proofer and you several times. But once you and the proofer (especially the proofer) are happy, then the end result is ready for release.

Yes, it is a lot of work. But I love it and with each edit I learn how to be a better writer. My second book, Journey to the Unknown, is back from the proofer and I am currently on page 35 of 293. I have a little ways to go yet.

I truly believe that nothing is free in life. Hard work, and a lot of it, is required in order to excel in whatever career you choose. So don’t give up. Keep plugging. Believe me, it is well worth in the end.

As always, Happy Reading!!

Discovery of the Lion People

I have been wracking my brain trying to come up with a title for my third book in the Lord of His People series. I have been brainstorming with my best friend Shirley. Told her what the book was about and we came up with a few names but none that really jumped out at me. Then last weekend I was at my oldest son’s cabin, curled up in a chair with my eight year old granddaughter, Paige. She asked what I was doing and I told her I was working on my third book. She asked why it had no name. I told her that I couldn’t think of one that I liked. She read the intro to the book, turned to me and without missing a beat says to me, “How about ‘Discovery of the Lion People’?”

You could have knocked me over with a feather. It was perfect! So thank you Paige Hudon for such a clever, wonderful title.

As I continue to work on ‘Discovery of the Lion People’ , my second book of the series, Journey to the Unknown, is scheduled to be released November third. I am very excited to see what my publisher, Devine Destinies, comes up with for the art work.

Time to get back to work, as always, Happy Reading!

Christine Frances

September long weekend was amazing!

This year I spent my Canadian September long weekend with my family at my youngest son’s cabin. It was just me, my two sons and their families. I have mentioned before that family is everything to me and getting to spend an entire weekend with them is my idea of a great weekend. On one of the days the kids were playing outside, my sons were doing their thing and my daughter-in-law, Kristin, and I just hung out. I worked on my book, she surfed the web, and we talked and bonded and got to know each other just a little bit better. It doesn’t get any better than that.
If you ever have an opportunity to spend time with family, grab it and run. Family is precious and even though you may not always agree, try to make time for them. Try to make memories with them. There is no guarantee on how long we will be on God’s green earth so don’t waste it. My boy’s father died at 52…way too young. My youngest son’s fist wife died at 26. Again, WAY TOO YOUNG. I have learned the hard way to make the best of the time you have. Because once they are gone there are no take backs.
On a less serious note…making progress with the third book. Still don’t have a title for it…but it will come. I’m hoping to have it ready for the end of the month…may be wishful thinking. lol
My second book will be released Nov 3rd or 5th. Looking forward to it. I have so many readers that are waiting for the second book with great anticipation. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to support me and also to those who have taken the time to give my input on how you liked my book. I always look forward to my reader’s comments. Good or bad. Thankfully, so far, they have all been good.
Time to go…enjoy your evening and Happy reading!

Christine Frances

Now available at

Hello everyone! I’m happy to say that my book, Taming of the Beast, is available at It’s e-book format right now but I’ve been told that they will be have it in paperback. Not sure when but I promise to let everyone know when it happens. Enjoy your evening and Happy Reading!

Lord of his People – Journey to the Unknown

Hi everyone, I was speaking to my publisher, Devine Destinies, and it looks like November 3rd is the official release date for my book, Journey to the Unknown. I don’t have the art work for the cover yet but I will share once I do. Here is the blurb on the story that you will find on the inside cover:

It is 1991 and Nathen and Authia are finally free of the curse that has haunted Nathen for over two centuries. However, their quest does not end there. It has only just begun. Nathen may be rid of his curse but he still desperately needs to know who and what he is. Hidden somewhere deep in the Congo region of Africa are the answers. Nathen and Authia risk their lives as well as the lives of those close to them in order to find the truth.
Meanwhile, in a valley hidden from the outside world, a tribe secretly waits for the return of their Lord. Unknown to Nathen and Authia, the High Priestess of the tribe is aware of their existence and will do everything in her power to prevent them from finding Nathen’s home.

It’s and exciting book that will draw you in and keep you wanting for more!

Well that’s it for it…enjoy your day and Happy Reading!

Christine Frances

Journey to the Unknown

Good Morning everyone. It’s a beautiful Friday morning and I am spending it doing what I love most…writing. My third book is coming along and, while I am writing it, I’m creating the foundation for the fourth, and final, book in the series.

According to Devine Destinies, Journey to the Unknown, my second book, will be release in December. Just in time for that perfect gift for the reader in the family. I’m hoping to see the art work long before that so I can start promoting the book. But, in reality, I may not see it till November.

If you haven’t had an opportunity to read Taming of the Beast, the first book of the series, it’s never too late. Just select ‘Purchase my books’ and it will take you directly to my publisher’s website. The book is only $4.99. For those of you that purchase your books through or, you’re in luck. My book is also available on those site as well for only $6.59.

Feel free to comment and ask questions. I make it a point to get back to everyone. Well that’s it for now. I’m heading back to the world of Nathen and Authia. Happy reading!

Journey to the Unknown – the Galley

Hello everyone! Hope you are enjoying a wonderful evening. I wanted to update everyone on my second book, Journey to the Unknown. I received the galley back from the publisher, Devine Destinies. What that means is that it is my last chance to look over the book and make sure everything is correct. I’m re-reading (is that a word?) it and at the same time working on book three. As soon as I have finished re-reading (it’s a word now lol) I send it back to the publisher and off it goes for artwork and proofing. At the same time a release date will be set. It’s all very exciting.

For book three I have yet to come up with a title. Usually something comes to me as I’m writing but I’m on chapter sixteen and nothing yet. Normally I write about forty chapters so I still have plenty of opportunity to come up with a name. Well that’s it for tonight. Take care and happy reading!

Journey to the Unknown ready for the proofer!!

Exciting news, the editing is done and now Journey to the Unknown is ready for the proofer and art work. The art department did a fabulous job with my first book, Taming the Beast, and I am confident they will do equally as well with Journey to the Unknown. My biggest road block is that I’m a writer not a promoter. I don’t know the first thing about promoting my book. My books have great reviews…I just need to find a way to let the public know. Any advice? I’d love to hear from you. Happy reading!

Spending time at Lake of the Woods with Grandchildren!

If I haven’t mentioned it already, my family is very important to me. They are my everything. This especially applies to my Grandchildren, Hailey, Paige and Chase. Right now Hailey, Paige and I are spending some quality time (girls week) at my son’s cabin on Lake of the Woods. The weather is incredibly hot and we are taking full advantage of the cool waters of the lake. The serenity of the cabin is so inviting. After the girls go to bed ( they are both eight years old ) I curl up in a deck chair and continue to work on my book. It is so easy to lose yourself in your writing when you are surrounded by peacefulness and tranquility. Speaking of which, I am going to take my leave and return to the world of Nathen and Authia. I hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead.

Journey to the Unkown

Journey to the Unknown is the second book in my series. Right now it is with the most amazing editor, Laura McNellis. She has taught me so much. One just doesn’t write a book. There are rules to follow that help make your book a more interesting book to read. It’s not about changing the content of you book, it’s about the little things. And I am so grateful that Laura has been so supportive and patient with me. I believe that no matter what your age, you never stop learning. And if someone is kind enough to want to teach you something, you should grab the opportunity and run with it. I hope Journey to the Unknown will be ready for release soon. I’ll keep all my readers updated. Take care and enjoy your evening.

Lord of His People – The Series

Welcome to my world of fantasy romance with a touch of the paranormal!
I’ve been writing short stories since I was a teenager and have always carried the dream that one day I would complete a novel and have it published. My dream is now a reality with the birth of the series ‘Lord of His People’.
There are many Beauty and the Beast stories out there with the beast turning into the handsome prince at the end of the story. Have you ever wondered what would happen if the beast remained a beast? Would he still find true love? Would he be accepted in a world where people judge a person by what they see and not on who that person is? My first book, ‘Taming of the Beast’, answers those questions and opens the door to so many possibilities. If you are a romantic who believes in fighting for the underdog, then my book is a must read.
You will be captivated by the hero, Nathen, and the heroine, Authia, who discovers that beauty lies beneath the surface. You will be drawn into their lives and, by the end of the book, you will find yourself longing for more. To start your journey into the world of Nathen and Authia just select ‘Purchase My Books’ and choose ‘Taming of the Beast’.
There will be four books in the series, and you can stay updated on the further adventures of Nathen and Authia by following my blog. So, sit back, curl up in your favorite chair, and lose yourself in a world of romance, spirits, curses and true love.